2018 House Election Live Results
All 435 House seats to be contested in 2018
Live Results shows all races that have been called.
Forecast takes the Live Results and adds in the Starting Projection for those elections yet to be decided. This will let you track how the Battle for Control is playing out. At the end, the Live Results and Forecast will be the same.
The table below the national map displays just those seats changing party. Use the dropdown in the map area to see all results for a specific state.
For live vote totals, click/tap a district (or state) or use the LIVE link in the table below the map.
no 2018 election
no 2018 election
United States House
Battle for Control
Current |
197 |
236 |
No Election |
0 |
0 |
Decided |
0 |
0 |
Total (Live)1
0 |
0 |
Remaining |
Safe |
180 |
133 |
Likely |
14 |
37 |
Leaning |
16 |
27 |
Tilt |
0 |
0 |
Toss-up |
28 |
Forecast |
210 |
197 |
District |
Incumbent / Major Candidates |
Party |
Forecast |
Actual |
Don Young |
AL-1 |
Bradley Byrne |
AL-2 |
Martha Roby |
AL-3 |
Mike Rogers |
AL-4 |
Robert Aderholt |
AL-5 |
Mo Brooks |
AL-6 |
Gary Palmer |
AL-7 |
Terri Sewell |
AR-1 |
Rick Crawford |
AR-2 |
French Hill |
AR-3 |
Steve Womack |
AR-4 |
Bruce Westerman |
AZ-1 |
Tom O'Halleran |
AZ-2 |
Martha McSally |
AZ-3 |
Raul Grijalva |
AZ-4 |
Paul Gosar |
AZ-5 |
Andy Biggs |
AZ-6 |
David Schweikert |
AZ-7 |
Ruben Gallego |
AZ-8 |
Debbie Lesko |
AZ-9 |
Kyrsten Sinema |
CA-1 |
Doug LaMalfa |
CA-2 |
Jared Huffman |
CA-3 |
John Garamendi |
CA-4 |
Tom McClintock |
CA-5 |
Mike Thompson |
CA-6 |
Doris Matsui |
CA-7 |
Ami Bera |
CA-8 |
Paul Cook |
CA-9 |
Jerry McNerney |
CA-10 |
Jeff Denham |
CA-11 |
Mark DeSaulnier |
CA-12 |
Nancy Pelosi |
CA-13 |
Barbara Lee |
CA-14 |
Jackie Speier |
CA-15 |
Eric Swalwell |
CA-16 |
Jim Costa |
CA-17 |
Ro Khanna |
CA-18 |
Anna Eshoo |
CA-19 |
Zoe Lofgren |
CA-20 |
Jimmy Panetta |
CA-21 |
David Valadao |
CA-22 |
Devin Nunes |
CA-23 |
Kevin McCarthy |
CA-24 |
Salud Carbajal |
CA-25 |
Steve Knight |
CA-26 |
Julia Brownley |
CA-27 |
Judy Chu |
CA-28 |
Adam Schiff |
CA-29 |
Tony Cardenas |
CA-30 |
Brad Sherman |
CA-31 |
Pete Aguilar |
CA-32 |
Grace Napolitano |
CA-33 |
Ted Lieu |
CA-34 |
Jimmy Gomez |
CA-35 |
Norma Torres |
CA-36 |
Raul Ruiz |
CA-37 |
Karen Bass |
CA-38 |
Linda Sanchez |
CA-39 |
Edward Royce |
CA-40 |
Lucille Roybal-Allard |
CA-41 |
Mark Takano |
CA-42 |
Ken Calvert |
CA-43 |
Maxine Waters |
CA-44 |
Nanette Barragan |
CA-45 |
Mimi Walters |
CA-46 |
Lou Correa |
CA-47 |
Alan Lowenthal |
CA-48 |
Dana Rohrabacher |
CA-49 |
Darrell Issa |
CA-50 |
Duncan Hunter |
CA-51 |
Juan Vargas |
CA-52 |
Scott Peters |
CA-53 |
Susan Davis |
CO-1 |
Diana DeGette |
CO-2 |
Jared Polis |
CO-3 |
Scott Tipton |
CO-4 |
Ken Buck |
CO-5 |
Doug Lamborn |
CO-6 |
Mike Coffman |
CO-7 |
Ed Perlmutter |
CT-1 |
John Larson |
CT-2 |
Joe Courtney |
CT-3 |
Rosa DeLauro |
CT-4 |
James Himes |
CT-5 |
Elizabeth Esty |
Lisa Rochester |
FL-1 |
Matt Gaetz |
FL-2 |
Neal Dunn |
FL-3 |
Ted Yoho |
FL-4 |
John Rutherford |
FL-5 |
Al Lawson |
FL-6 |
FL-7 |
Stephanie Murphy |
FL-8 |
Bill Posey |
FL-9 |
Darren Soto |
FL-10 |
Val Demings |
FL-11 |
Dan Webster |
FL-12 |
Gus Bilirakis |
FL-13 |
Charlie Crist |
FL-14 |
Kathy Castor |
FL-15 |
Dennis Ross |
FL-16 |
Vern Buchanan |
FL-17 |
Thomas Rooney |
FL-18 |
Brian Mast |
FL-19 |
Francis Rooney |
FL-20 |
Alcee Hastings |
FL-21 |
Lois Frankel |
FL-22 |
Ted Deutch |
FL-23 |
Debbie Wasserman Schultz |
FL-24 |
Frederica Wilson |
FL-25 |
Mario Diaz-Balart |
FL-26 |
Carlos Curbelo |
FL-27 |
Ileana Ros-Lehtinen |
GA-1 |
Buddy Carter |
GA-2 |
Sanford D. Jr. Bishop |
GA-3 |
Drew Ferguson |
GA-4 |
Henry C. 'Hank' Jr. Johnson |
GA-5 |
John Lewis |
GA-6 |
Karen Handel |
GA-7 |
Rob Woodall |
GA-8 |
Austin Scott |
GA-9 |
Doug Collins |
GA-10 |
Jody Hice |
GA-11 |
Barry Loudermilk |
GA-12 |
Rick Allen |
GA-13 |
David Scott |
GA-14 |
Tom Graves |
HI-1 |
Colleen Hanabusa |
HI-2 |
Tulsi Gabbard |
IA-1 |
Rod Blum |
IA-2 |
David Loebsack |
IA-3 |
David Young |
IA-4 |
Steve King |
ID-1 |
Raul Labrador |
ID-2 |
Michael Simpson |
IL-1 |
Bobby Rush |
IL-2 |
Robin Kelly |
IL-3 |
Daniel Lipinski |
IL-4 |
Luis Gutierrez |
IL-5 |
Mike Quigley |
IL-6 |
Peter Roskam |
IL-7 |
Danny Davis |
IL-8 |
Raja Krishnamoorthi |
IL-9 |
Janice Schakowsky |
IL-10 |
Brad Schneider |
IL-11 |
Bill Foster |
IL-12 |
Mike Bost |
IL-13 |
Rodney Davis |
IL-14 |
Randy Hultgren |
IL-15 |
John Shimkus |
IL-16 |
Adam Kinzinger |
IL-17 |
Cheri Bustos |
IL-18 |
Darin LaHood |
IN-1 |
Peter Visclosky |
IN-2 |
Jackie Walorski |
IN-3 |
Jim Banks |
IN-4 |
Todd Rokita |
IN-5 |
Susan Brooks |
IN-6 |
Luke Messer |
IN-7 |
Andre Carson |
IN-8 |
Larry Bucshon |
IN-9 |
Trey Hollingsworth |
KS-1 |
Roger Marshall |
KS-2 |
Lynn Jenkins |
KS-3 |
Kevin Yoder |
KS-4 |
Ron Estes |
KY-1 |
James Comer |
KY-2 |
Brett Guthrie |
KY-3 |
John Yarmuth |
KY-4 |
Thomas Massie |
KY-5 |
Harold Rogers |
KY-6 |
Andy Barr |
LA-1 |
Steve Scalise |
LA-2 |
Cedric Richmond |
LA-3 |
Clay Higgins |
LA-4 |
Mike Johnson |
LA-5 |
Ralph Abraham |
LA-6 |
Garret Graves |
MA-1 |
Richard Neal |
MA-2 |
James McGovern |
MA-3 |
Niki Tsongas |
MA-4 |
Joseph Kennedy III |
MA-5 |
Katherine Clark |
MA-6 |
Seth Moulton |
MA-7 |
Michael Capuano |
MA-8 |
Stephen Lynch |
MA-9 |
William Keating |
MD-1 |
Andrew Harris |
MD-2 |
C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger |
MD-3 |
John Sarbanes |
MD-4 |
Anthony Brown |
MD-5 |
Steny Hoyer |
MD-6 |
John Delaney |
MD-7 |
Elijah Cummings |
MD-8 |
Jamie Raskin |
ME-1 |
Chellie Pingree |
ME-2 |
Bruce Poliquin |
MI-1 |
Jack Bergman |
MI-2 |
Bill Huizenga |
MI-3 |
Justin Amash |
MI-4 |
John Moolenaar |
MI-5 |
Daniel Kildee |
MI-6 |
Fred Upton |
MI-7 |
Tim Walberg |
MI-8 |
Mike Bishop |