Change History: Interactive Maps for All 57 Presidential Elections Now Available
By 270toWin Staff
April 22, 2016
Updated January, 2021 to add 2020 election map
We've launched the remaining interactive historical maps. These 59 maps let you alter the course of history by changing the outcome of any prior presidential election. You can modify results, winners and election participants.
The first competitive election:
The first election decided in House of Representatives:
Abraham Lincoln is elected on the eve of Civil War:
Florida, Florida, Florida:
Uncalled Congressional Races as of November 10
One Senate seat remains undecided, along with ten House seats. Control of the House remains undetermined
Uncalled Congressional Races as of November 8
Republicans need to win just two of the 15 uncalled elections to retain the majority in the House.
Uncalled Congressional Races as of November 7
Two Senate and two dozen House races remain uncalled. Republicans need six more House wins to retain the majority.
The Seven Presidential Battlegrounds
These seven states - worth 93 electoral votes - have been the focus of the presidential election since the beginning of the cycle
Secondary Presidential Battlegrounds
While the experts favor Harris or Trump in these states, one or more surprises can't be ruled out