Live Results: Seven States Hold Primaries or Runoffs; There's a U.S. House Special Election as Well

Five states hold their primaries this Tuesday, while two others conduct runoff elections. There is also a special election to fill the vacancy in Nebraska's 1st Congressional District. 

After Tuesday, there is an extended break on the election calendar. July is limited to the Maryland primaries on the 19th and North Carolina runoffs on the 26th. This is followed by a very busy August where most of the remaining states will hold their contests.

On this page, we'll provide an overview of some of the more interesting races. Use the links below to see all results. Latest poll closing (Eastern Time) appears below the state name. If you are voting in one of these states, check with your polling place as the hours may differ.

Colorado >> Illinois >> New York >>  Oklahoma >>
9:00 PM  8:00 PM 9:00 PM* 8:00 PM
Utah >> Runoff States -> Mississippi >> South Carolina >>
10:00 PM   8:00 PM 7:00 PM

*Congressional and State Senate primaries were moved to August 23 in response to redistricting delays.

U.S. House Special General Election

Nebraska District 1

Before we get to the primaries, there is a special general election to fill the vacancy in Nebraska's 1st Congressional District. The winner will complete the term of former Republican Rep. Jeff Fortenberry, who resigned earlier this year.

Oddly, this election will be conducted using the borders of Nebraska's new District 1, although the winner will represent citizens of the existing District 1. Either way, Republican State Sen. Mike Flood would be favored over Democratic State Sen. Patty Brooks. 

These two won their respective party's nomination for the general election, so will meet again in November. Polls close at 9:00 PM Eastern Time.

U.S. Senate

Utah (Republican)

Senator Mike Lee is seeking a third term. He has two challengers in the primary, former State Rep. Becky Edwards and businesswoman Ally Isom. Lee should win renomination, but his performance may provide some early hints about the general election.

Democrats are not nominating a candidate, and have instead endorsed Evan McMullin, who is running as an independent. Opposed to Donald Trump, McMullin ran for president as an independent in 2016. While he only received about 0.5% support nationally, he won 21.5% of the vote in Utah. 

In the most recent public poll, Lee only led McMullin 41% to 35%, although an internal Lee poll released around the same time found the Senator up by 19%. For those interested, we've updated the 2022 Senate Interactive Map with the ability to model a McMullin win; he has said he will not caucus with either party should he be elected. 

Oklahoma Special (Republican)

Both Oklahoma Senate seats are on the ballot this year. In the regularly-scheduled election, Sen. James Lankford is expected to be renominated for a second full term.

Five-term Sen. Jim Inhofe announced in February that he would retire at the end of the year. The winner of the special election in November will complete the final four years of his term. 

13 Republicans are competing for the nomination. The clear frontrunner is Rep. Markwayne Mullin (OK-02). The main question here is whether Mullin can clear 50% to avoid an August 23 runoff against the second place finisher. The ultimate winner will face former Rep. Kendra Horn (D) in November.


Illinois (Republican)

Democratic Gov. J.B. Pritzker is expected to be renominated for a second term. There are six candidates on the Republican ballot. Earlier in the race, the frontrunner was Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin. However, he has been overtaken by Darren Bailey; recent polling gives Bailey a double-digit lead heading into the primary.

Bailey, a far right State Senator, has benefited from significant Democratic efforts attacking the more moderate - and perhaps more electable - Irvin. Bailey was also endorsed this past weekend by Donald Trump. 

New York (Both)

Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul succeeded Andrew Cuomo when he resigned in August, 2021. Now seeking a full term in office, she has drawn two primary opponents: Rep. Thomas Suozzi (NY-03) and Jumaane Williams, the New York City (NYC) Public Advocate.

Polling indicates Hochul will be renominated, although it is possible she may share the ticket with a Lieutenant Governor nominee not of her choosing. See the next section for more on that.

Four candidates are seeking the Republican nomination. Most polling has Rep. Lee Zeldin (NY-01) ahead, although a recent survey released by the well-regarded SurveyUSA showed Zeldin in a statistical tie with Andrew Giuliani, son of former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani. Also on the ballot are 2014 gubernatorial nominee Rob Astorino and businessman Harry Wilson.

Lieutenant Governor

New York (Democratic)

In New York, there are separate primary elections for governor and lieutenant governor; the pair then runs on a single ticket in the general election. This has created a bit of an interesting situation for the Democrats.

After she took office, Hochul appointed then State Sen. Brian Benjamin to be her lieutenant governor. Benjamin resigned in April after being indicted. She then appointed former U.S. Rep. Anthony Delgado (NY-19); he took the oath of office in late May.

Delgado has two opponents on the primary ballot, most notably progressive activist Ana Maria Archila. She is gubernatorial candidate Jumaane Williams' running mate. While Williams is not expected to win, Archila appears to be competitive. If Archila gets the nomination, Hochul would share the ticket - and perhaps the next four years in Albany - with someone other than her preferred running mate.

The Republican nominee will be Alison Esposito, a former NYPD deputy inspector.

Secretary of State

Colorado (Republican)

Incumbent Democrat Jena Griswold is unopposed for renomination, although could face a competitive general election. Three Republicans are vying to oppose her. The most mainstream appears to be former Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder Pam Anderson. Occupying the far right lane is Mesa County Clerk Tina Peters. A vocal believer that the 2020 presidential election was stolen, she was indicted earlier this year on charges related to a security breach of her county's election system. 

U.S. House

Incumbents are at risk in all four of the elections listed below. In fact, two are guaranteed to lose in Illinois, where redistricting has forced two member vs. member primaries. In Mississippi, two of the state's three GOP incumbents are in danger of being ousted after being forced into runoff elections. 

Illinois District 6

Redistricting changes have led to this member vs. member primary between Democrats Marie Newman (current IL-03) and Sean Casten (IL-06). In terms of ideology, Newman is the more progressive of the two. 

Illinois District 15

Republican incumbents Rodney Davis and Mary Miller were redistricted together. Miller received a late endorsement from Donald Trump.

Mississippi District 3 (Runoff)

Navy veteran Michael Cassidy edged incumbent Michael Guest by about 200 votes, but at 47% each, both fell short of the required 50%. Guest was not expected to be at risk for renomination to a 3rd term, but voters apparently took exception to the fact that he voted in favor of a January 6 commission. 

Mississippi District 4 (Runoff)

Incumbent Steve Palazzo (31% in the primary) and Mike Ezell (25%) advanced to the runoff. Palazzo is seeking a 7th term, but has been under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for over a year. Ezell has been endorsed by Clay Wagner, who narrowly missed the runoff with 22% of the primary vote. 

There are a number of other interesting U.S. House primaries, particularly in Illinois. Use the state links at the top of this page for full results. We'll end this section with one more high profile race.

Colorado District 3 (Republican)

Conservative firebrand Lauren Boebert is seeking renomination to this fairly safe Republican seat. She has picked up an intraparty challenge from State Sen. Don Coram. While Boebert is favored, Coram is generating some crossover Democratic support.


  • July 19
    • Maryland Primary
  • July 26
    • North Carolina Primary Runoffs
  • August 2
    • Arizona Primary
    • Kansas Primary
    • Michigan Primary
    • Missouri Primary
    • Washington Primary
    • Washington State Senate District 27 Special Top Two Primary
    • Chandler, Arizona Mayoral Primary
  • August 4
    • Tennessee Primary
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