Nine States and DC Hold Primaries Today: Overview and Live Results

Rescheduled primaries have led to June 2 being one of the busier days on the 2020 calendar.  Seven states and the District of Columbia will hold presidential primaries. Six of those states will also hold downballot primaries, as will Idaho and Iowa.  Those latter two states held their presidential primaries earlier this year.

Polls Close (Eastern Time)

Your individual polling place may have different hours. Do not rely on this to determine when to vote. Total Democratic pledged delegates by closing time* are displayed

6:00 PM 0 Indiana+ (ET)
7:00 PM 82 Indiana+ (CT) (82)
8:00 PM 328 District of Columbia (20), Maryland (96), Pennsylvania (186), Rhode Island (26), South Dakota+ (CT)
9:00 PM 50 New Mexico (34) South Dakota+ (MT) (16)
10:00 PM 19 Idaho^ (MT), Iowa, Montana (19) 
11:00 PM 0 Idaho^ (PT) 

*For states holding presidential primaries today.
+Indiana polls close 6:00 PM local time; South Dakota is 7:00 PM local time. Delegate count is listed with the later ET closing.
^Ballots not yet mailed can be returned to a drop box before 8:00 PM local time.

Democratic Delegate Count

Heading into June 2, presumptive nominee Joe Biden is 425 delegates short of the 1,991 he needs to clinch the Democratic nomination. 479 delegates are available Tuesday. While it is mathematically possible for Biden to get there, he'll need to hold Bernie Sanders below 15% in almost all the jurisdictions (states and individual congressional districts) distributing delegates today.  If he doesn't make it Tuesday, he'll almost certainly cross the threshold with primaries next week1 1If Biden is very close to 1,991 after Tuesday, the next opportunity will come with the Virgin Islands caucus this Saturday. Seven delegates are available. in Georgia and West Virginia.

A late caveat:  Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf issued an executive order on June 1 extending the deadline for some ballots returned by mail to be received and counted. It applies only to six of the state's 67 counties, but those counties include Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.  Since the ballots must be postmarked by June 2, we may still see some presidential vote counts Tuesday, and perhaps a projected winner. However, it is unclear how many delegates will be projected before the June 9 deadline.  As the state has nearly 40% of the 479 delegates available, this change may remove the possibility of Biden reaching 1,991 before next Tuesday. 

Results Summary

Results by State

Idaho Indiana Iowa Maryland Montana
New Mexico Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Dakota Washington, D.C.

The Democratic presidential primary results as well as results for other races we're watching closely are on this page, broken out by state.  There are links to the full results for each state, including - as applicable - presidential, congressional and gubernatorial primaries.


Idaho held its presidential primary on March 10. 

June 2 is the extended deadline to receive ballots for a primary that has been conducted entirely by mail. 

Senate/House: While there are a couple congressional primaries, the U.S. Senate seat held by Jim Risch as well as both congressional districts are seen as safely Republican this November.

All Idaho Results >>

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President: There are 82 pledged delegates available in the Democratic presidential primary.

House: While there are contested primaries in both parties in most of the nine congressional districts, the seven incumbents seeking reelection are seen as safe in November.  In District 1, 18-term incumbent Rep. Peter Visclosky is retiring. A very large field is attempting to succeed him, with the winner Tuesday likely to be the next member of Congress from this safely Democratic district. The leading candidates look to be state Rep. Mara Candelaria Reardon and Hammond mayor Thomas McDermott Jr.

In District 5, Republican Susan Brooks is retiring. 14 Republicans are vying for the party's nomination. On the Democratic side, state Rep. Christina Hale is the likely nominee. The general election race for this suburban Indianapolis district is expected to be somewhat competitive, although most forecasters give the GOP a small edge.  

All Indiana Results >>

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Iowa held its presidential primary on February 3.

Senate: Theresa Greenfield is favored to become the Democratic nominee, although the party's state convention will make the final decision if no candidate reaches 35%. Whoever emerges will face off against Sen. Joni Ernst (R) in November.  While not the most likely Democratic pick-up this year, the general election race is definitely on the competitive radar. Most forecasters see it as Leans Republican.

House: One of the more interesting races of the night is in the state's 4th district, where Rep. Steve King attempts to stave off a challenge from state Sen. Randy Feenstra. King is a nine-term incumbent, but one of the more controversial members of the GOP House caucus.  The party is supporting Feenstra.  The winner will meet Democrat J.D. Scholten, who held King to a 3 point win in 2018. A Feenstra nomination will make things much more difficult for Scholten in this conservative district that Donald Trump won by 27 points in 2016.

Iowa's other three congressional districts are all held by Democrats and are all seen as highly competitive in November. Incumbents Abby Finkenauer (IA-1) and Cindy Axne (IA-3) will be seeking a 2nd term. Axne is likely to face a rematch against former Rep. David Young, who she unseated in 2018.  Finkenauer's likely opponent is state Rep. Ashley Hinson.

In District 2, state Sen. Rita Hart will be the Democratic nominee; Rep. Dave Loebsack is retiring after seven terms. There is a contested primary among five candidates on the Republican side.

For any primary where no candidate reaches 35%, a nominee will be selected at a convention of county parties within the district.

All Iowa Results >>

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President: There are 96 pledged delegates available in the Democratic presidential primary.

House: There are contested primaries in each of the state's eight congressional districts.  All eight incumbents are running, and all eight districts are safe in November. The only incumbent races that might have a bit of suspense are in the 5th and 7th districts.  In District 5, Steny Hoyer, the House Majority Leader, is being challenged from the left by activist Mckayla Wilkes. She is hoping to replicate what Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accomplished with her surprise primary win in the 2018 midterms. Wilkes has generated some buzz, but the demographics of the district make this a steeply uphill climb.

In District 7, Rep. Kweisi Mfume recently won a special election to replace the late Rep. Elijah Cummings. Mfume emerged from a crowded Democratic field - which included Cumming's widow - to win the nomination in February.  Because of filing deadlines, most of the candidates from the special election primary will again be on the ballot.  Regardless of who emerges, that person will almost certainly prevail in the general election; this is one of the bluest districts in the country.

All Maryland Results >>

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President: There are 19 pledged delegates available in the Democratic presidential primary.

Senate/Governor/House:  As discussed in the Montana Road to 270 article, the state isn't likely to be competitive at the presidential level in November. However, the races for Senate and Governor are expected to be closely-contested. The at-large House seat is open, as Rep. Greg Gianforte (R) makes a run for governor. The current governor, Steve Bullock (D), is termed-out and is running for Senate.  Bullock is expected to win his primary and face incumbent Sen. Steve Daines in the general election.

The Democratic gubernatorial primary is between Lt. Gov. Mike Cooney and businesswoman Whitney Williams. Both candidates are doing well in fundraising and endorsements; with no polling to guide, the race is seen as a true toss-up.  Gianforte is favored in the GOP primary.

All Montana Results >>

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New Mexico

President: There are 34 pledged delegates available in the Democratic presidential primary.

Senate: Sen. Tom Udall (D) is retiring; Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (NM-3) will be the party's nominee for this safely Democratic seat.

House: The seven-candidate primary to fill Lujan's seat in the House is drawing a bit of added interest due to former CIA operative Valerie Plame being on the ballot.  This is a competitive primary in a safe Democratic district: whoever wins Tuesday is likely to be headed to Congress. 

In terms of November, the more important primary to watch is for the GOP nomination in District 2. Democratic Rep. Xochitl Torres Small flipped the district in 2018; regaining it is a top GOP target.  The primary is between 2018 nominee Yvette Herrell and businesswoman Claire Chase. It has gotten rather personal around who is more loyal to President Trump. A Democratic PAC has also thrown money at the race, attacking Herrell as a Trump loyalist.  This will help Herrell in a GOP primary; so the thinking must be that she will be the easier Republican to defeat in November.

All New Mexico Results >>

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President: There are 186 pledged delegates available in the Democratic presidential primary.

House:  All 18 incumbents are standing for reelection in November.  Only two have a contested primary: Brian Fitzpatrick (R, PA-01) and Michael Doyle (D, PA-18). Although he is expected to prevail, Fitzpatrick's is the more competitive of the two. His District 1, as well as Districts 8 and 10 are seen as the most competitive in November.  Because of Gov. Wolf's order extending the mail-in deadline in parts of the state, we may not have race calls for all of the associated primaries until June 9.

All Pennsylvania Results >>

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Rhode Island

President: There are 26 pledged delegates available in the Democratic presidential primary.

The state holds its primary for other offices on September 8.

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South Dakota

President: There are 16 pledged delegates available in the Democratic presidential primary.

Senate/House: Sen. Mike Rounds and at-large Rep. Dusty Johnson have drawn primary challenges from GOP state representatives.  Regardless of how those play out, both seats are safely Republican in the fall. In fact, no Democrat qualified for the U.S. House primary, so the party will not field a candidate for that office in November.

All South Dakota Results >>

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Washington, D.C.

President: There are 20 pledged delegates available in the Democratic presidential primary.

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