The Economist's US Presidential Election Forecast
Current as of Map Timestamp
Updated twice daily, this is an electoral map projection based on The Economist's US presidential election forecast.
Use the timeline feature to view the map based on the final update each day.
The Toss-Up tan color is used where neither candidate currently has a 65% or higher chance of winning. The colored gradients are used to show higher probabilities for Biden or Trump, deepening as the likelihood of winning increases: Light (65%+), Medium (85%+), Dark (99%+).
Use this map as a starting point to create and share your own 2020 presidential election forecast.
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Map :
Senate GOP Super PAC Spends Big in Wisconsin
Trump to Brand Deportation Push ‘Operation Aurora’
Trump Already Mulling His White House Chief of Staff
Cities Seek More Than $750K from Trump Campaign
Trump Agrees to ‘Women’s Issues’ Event on Fox News
Legal U.S. Prediction Markets for President are Live
An appeals court ruling earlier this week set the stage for political betting by U.S. residents
Live Results: Alabama State House Special Election
The final special election before the November general election will fill a vacant safely Democratic seat in the Birmingham area.
Overview and Live Results: New Jersey Congressional Special Election
The winner will complete the term of the late Democratic Rep. Donald Payne Jr.
Overview and Live Results: Delaware, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island Primaries
The final three statewide primaries before the November 5 general election take place Tuesday
Overview and Live Results: Massachusetts Primary
Outside two GOP congressional primaries, there's not all that much to see in this Democratic stronghold
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