Maryland Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger Won't Seek Reelection This Year

Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger announced his retirement Friday. The eleven-term incumbent represents a safely Democratic district in the central part of the state, extending from the Pennsylvania border south to portions of the Baltimore area. He won his final term by a 59% to 41% margin in 2022.

In a press release from his office, Ruppersberger said "This was an incredibly difficult decision for me because, now more than ever, Congress needs thoughtful, end-game representatives like me – members who care more about constituents and our country and less about cable news hits. But it is time to pass the torch to a younger generation of leaders and I am looking forward to spending more time with my family."

Ruppersberger is the third member of Maryland's eight-member House delegation to announce they are leaving at the end of this term. John Sarbanes (MD-03) is also retiring, while David Trone (MD-06) is running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by the retiring Ben Cardin. All are Democrats, although that's not terribly surprising as there is only one Republican, Andrew Harris (MD-01) in the state's entire congressional delegation.

Overall, 42 current House members are not running this year. That includes 24 Democrats and 18 Republicans. One of the Democrats, Brian Higgins (NY-26) is resigning in February.

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